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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Homemade Hamburger Buns

 Lunch meat sandwiches are a staple at the Shingler household. So as you could guess, we buy hamburger buns almost every week. And, as you might also guess, I've been wanting to try my hand at making them. One less item to buy, one more to make.
 At first, I thought it would be time consuming. I won't lie to you. It did take some time. I'm discovering that all things "bready" do take time. Of course, the more effort you put into a food, the better it tastes. Anyway, it didn't actually take as much time as I originally thought. There's basically three main steps:

1) Make the dough, knead it, and let it rise.
2) Shape the dough into 16 round rolls (this is easier than it sounds) and let them rise again.
3) Bake the buns for 15 minutes and enjoy an extra-scrumptious sandwich!

 Once you get past the realization that bread needs to be kneaded and given time to rise, you'll be like me and want to bake every kind of doughy thing that exists!

                    Homemade Hamburger Buns   (adapted from the kitchn)


 1 Tbsp. active-dry yeast

 1 c. warm water

 1 c. milk

 2 eggs

 4 Tbsp. vegetable oil

 4 Tbsp. sugar

 2 tsp. salt

 6 c. flour

 2 Tbsp. butter


 1. Dissolve yeast in warm water.

 2. Meanwhile, whisk milk, eggs, oil, sugar, and salt in a separate bowl.

 3. Add to yeast mixture.

 4. Gradually add flour until combined.

 5. Knead dough and let rise.

 6. Divide dough into 16 round rolls and let rise again.

 7. Melt butter and brush on to risen buns.

 8. Bake at 375 degrees for 15-18 minutes or until golden brown.  


 I actually used more flour than what the recipe actually called for because it was hard to knead. My buns turned out just fine, so I would say to use the flour you need to get the consistency that seems right to you. Just be hesitant to add way too much. Small amounts at a time are good.

 Believe it or not, I actually forgot to use the butter (silly me). I would suggest using it though, in order to keep the crust soft.

 Also, when it comes to giving these hamburger buns their wonderfully rounded shape, simple technique is the trick. Just take the sectioned-off piece of dough and roll in a tight circle against the counter or table with the palm of your hand. After a few circles, you'll have a perfect little sphere!

  I was so delighted with the outcome of this recipe! Couldn't have been happier. Won't you give it a try?











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