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Monday, April 11, 2016

Healthy Snacking

 So the other day I was making up this tasty treat, and just getting ready to dig in when, all of a sudden, I thought,
   "Wait! I need to write a blog post!"
 I quickly ran then to get my camera to snap some pictures before I helped myself to this yummy snack.

 Lately I've been really interested in coming up with healthy snaking ideas. Well, trying to eat healthier overall, but snacking is particularly important to me because, well, I like to snack. So I've been trying things like cottage cheese, fruit, and smoothies, which I was already doing, and I've discovered that I really love cottage cheese. But when it comes to fruit, I'm not too excited. I'm just not a fruit loving person, and there are so few it seems that I actually like. Apples I like well enough, but I like them much better with peanut butter(unless they're straight from the orchard, then I could eat them any way, any time).

 I actually saw this idea on Pinterest quite a while back, and as I was looking for some kind of snack it came to my mind. And I want to tell you that whether I eat my apples with all the toppings or not, I am always going to cut my apples this way! In my opinion it is sooo much easier!

 You can put whatever you want on these handy little apple slices, but I would suggest starting with natural peanut butter. I used to think, "Whatever, natural or unnatural. Doesn't matter." But it does. It tastes waaay better! Plus it's much more yummy and gooey from all the natural oil.

 Just in case you're wondering, I cut the core out of this slice with a tiny heart shaped cookie cutter. So that's another fun little thing you can do with these if you'd like. :)

 In the pantry I found some cinnamon granola that Laryssa had made(it also had cranberries but I skipped out on those), so I sprinkled some of that on each dripping apple slice. When I first made these we didn't have any chocolate chips at home(much to my despair) but they were still very good.

The next time I got to have my chocolate chips, making it even better!

 And you can't deny that these just look so pretty! So tell me what you think, as well as ideas for more toppings, and even other healthy snacking ideas!


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